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What Can Trigger Erectile Dysfunction? – Ways To Treat It!

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Impotence and erectile dysfunction are a common misconception about two different conditions. In fact, impotence is just another word for erectile dysfunction. If you have problems getting erections more than 70% of the time you wish to have sex, then you are suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Impotence is the same thing, but it also covers issues with other concerns related to sexual health, such as low libido and ejaculation.

Causes of erectile dysfunction- 

1. Interrupting the blood flow or disrupting hormonal secretions in the body and nerve supply to the body.

2. Vascular and neurological causes.

3. The occurrence of a disease called atherosclerosis, which is caused by smoking and diabetes. In this case, the arteries in the penis narrow and constrict.

4. Neuropathy, which is caused by diabetes or diabetic neuropathy.

5.Nerve damage due to previous surgery around the pelvic area.

6.  High blood pressure or hypertension is also the result of damaged arteries in the vascular system. Blood flow is obstructed and proper erectile is obstructed.

7. Physical causes such as high cholesterol and obesity, Parkinson’s disease and many cases of sclerosis.

8. Smoking, excessive drinking and substance abuse.

9. Some drug reactions and side effects.

10. Several psychological factors such as depression, extreme stress, tension and performance anxiety that reduce libido Best pics | Hurry, limited time offer.

11. Poor communication with sexual partners such as the use of multiple drugs such as alpha adrenergic blockers, beta blockers, chemotherapy drugs, and central nervous system depression.

Treatment for erectile dysfunction

Different treatments may be used to treat erectile dysfunction. These include the following:

1. Medication: A group of drugs known as PDE-5 or phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors are used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

2. Vacuum devices: Vacuum erection devices help in providing erections in men. A mechanical process is involved where the penis is hardened using a vacuum pump sealed around it. This device draws blood and an erection becomes possible.

3. Surgical treatment: Penile implant can be used to treat erectile dysfunction. Mechanical implants are used, which help to keep the penis tight. Vascular surgery is another option, which involves correction of the blood vessels responsible for erectile dysfunction.

4. Natural Remedies: There are many lifestyle changes that help a man to treat erectile dysfunction naturally. Regular exercise, especially weight-bearing ones, is not only helpful in increasing blood flow, but also improving the production of testosterone. Adhering to a balanced diet with high intake of fruits and vegetables, limiting alcohol and avoiding smoking also produce positive results.

The terms impotence and erectile dysfunction are quite similar because they refer to the same condition. However, today the term impotence is more popular than the term impotence. If you experience any symptoms of this condition, you should consult a doctor immediately.

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