These days, you are living amidst a wide spectrum of problems and stress factors. As men, you often find yourselves surrounded by a cobweb of sexual dysfunction issues. These are critical because when such problems show up, you don’t find it easy to communicate them to people openly. These problems vary in nature. However, if these issues show up, you must not get immeasurably stressed because these problems are nothing but some health issues. Like any health issue, they have respective treatment as well. So, without much ado, let us blitz through the top sexual problems in male and the treatment procedures which could help bring down the situation.
Table of Contents
Lack of sexual desires (Top sexual problems in Male)
Oftentimes, men are found to be having this problem or symptom in an acute fashion. In medical terms, it’s known as the loss of libido. It is a very common male sexual problem. Even if you are experiencing this issue, it does not mean the end of the world for you at all. Men happen to encounter such problems in specific junctures of their lives.
When such problems sprout in life, generally they are backed by various reasons. Essentially, medical practitioners and doctors opine that reduced levels of hormone would be a dominant reason behind such a crucial issue.
Apart from that, fatigue, extreme stress factors, as well as unhealthy relationship issues too, can serve as predominant and underlying causes behind the medical problem. When you have already noticed the advent of the ailment or symptoms of it, you should take every precaution. It is to be ensured that it doesn’t morph into a chronic disease. It is one of the top sexual problems in the male and you have to think of preventive measures to curb the issue.

Retrograde ejaculation (Top sexual problems in Male)
Retrograde ejaculation, as a term, might seem strange to many among you. However, it is a kind of a medical condition which many men have to face or endure during their acts of lovemaking or intimate moments with their partners. RE or Retrograde ejaculation tends to show up specifically when there is an accumulation of semen in the bladder in place of getting ejaculated. When you have such an issue, you can enjoy sexual stimulus but don’t ejaculate. Generally, it is not too harmful to the human body but it could cause a bladder infection, if not checked.
Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is a particular and common sexual problem in men which they encounter after a certain age. If this issue shows up then it turns out to be a problem for men as they can’t hold on to the erection of their genitals for a long time. Such a situation could be an outcome of
- Lack of self-confidence
- Some psychological conditions
- Relationship related issues or emotional detachments
- Anxiety or stress factors
Reasons behind the problems
If a deep and intuitive probe is initiated, it is about to come to light that a spate of intense causes is there to trigger sexual issues or problems in men.
- Physical and psychological reasons could be playing behind.
- Habit or resorting to illicit drugs which ultimately results in erectile dysfunction.
- High levels of depression.
- Tenacity to alcohol consumption.
- Metabolic syndrome leading to the significant dearth in your sexual drive and desire.
- High cholesterol levels in your body.
- Dearth in testosterone levels.
- Multiple sclerosis could be another medical reason playing behind the sexual problem.
Treatment of the sexual problem in male (Top sexual problems in Male)
Now that we have come to figure out and discern the male sexual ailments or dysfunctions, we can perhaps veer the direction of our thought process towards finding the potential cure or established treatment methods that can curb the dilemma and function like a balancing act in your life. You can certainly find a working remedy or cure to the sexual problems which you have but it might take time. You will need to read between the lines and analyze all the possible causes.
Psychological therapy
In the event of such issues, you can find psychological counseling sessions useful. You can try to heave up your problems in front of a seasoned counselor, specifically the guilt factors, fear, and anxieties which you encounter during the intercourse. CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy could be useful in such cases.
Medical treatment
As it comes to the aspects of medical treatment, you can count on penile implants as well as vacuum devices to perk up your sexual performance. You can also rely on Avanafil, Levitra, Viagra, and Tadalafil for a working solution. However, before you go on with any of the years, you need to have expert counseling of a seasoned medical practitioner on Top sexual problems in Male. The professional will be able to tell you whether these methods agree well with your condition or not.
Testosterone Replacement
If you are facing the problems because of low testosterone levels, then you can opt for Testosterone replacement. Many men have received a great sex drive after the replacement. It might work for you as well.
Medication and treatment facilities to apply for retrograde ejaculation
Retrograde ejaculation is not a problem that you can’t handle. It’s going to be manageable provided you go for the right medication. There are some prescription drugs that you can resort to when you seek exemption from retrograde ejaculation issues. However, before you start using the following medication, you need to consult a physician first. Here are some drugs which are available on the market.
- Ephedrine
- Chlorpheniramine
- Phenylephrine
- Midodrine
- Antidepressant pills at times
- External aid options such as penile sleep, opening prostheses as well as other support systems.

We genuinely hope that we have been able to walk you through the menacing sexual dysfunction in males and the treatment methods that could be adopted as the redressal of the top sexual problems in males. We believe if you have discerned the nature and cause of your trouble and if you can figure out how to combat the issue or dysfunction then you can be on the path to attain a quick redemption.