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Under the covers, the possibilities are endless! Let your imagination run free—besides being fun, it gives your muscles, heart and lungs a workout!

When you think about getting exercise, perhaps cross-country skiing or running are images that come to mind. For some it’s treadmills and weights, while for the more ambitious, it’s half marathons, obstacle courses or CrossFit. All of these activities have health benefits. However, in terms of physical benefits, there’s one activity that tops them all—sex. That’s right, making love is the ultimate physical activity.

The heart has every reason to appreciate physical love… it plays an important role in staying fit. Research shows that cardiovascular risks are reduced with the frequency of sex.


From a medical standpoint, the positive effects on the body are the same as practicing a sport: increased heart rate, sweating, involvement of several muscles. The movements involved call into action many areas of the body: pelvis, thighs, buttocks, arms, neck and thorax.

Having sex can in fact burn 200 calories—the equivalent of 20 minutes of running.


The position has a direct impact on effort. Doggy-style, for instance, is more demanding on the muscles than the amazon. The active partner will burn a few more calories during the time they are performing their movements. The buttocks and abs are big muscles that demand more energy!

Studies conducted by the University of Dublin show that cardiovascular risks are reduced with the frequency of sex by as much as 50%. Therefore, sex reduces the risk of heart attack. It’s good for the morale and for the heart!

Sex triggers a virtuous circle. It improves the quality of sleep and reduces stress and depressive states, as well as anxiety, another risk factor, which is attenuated due to the release of endorphins during sexual activity. To learn more.

Just as for any physical activity, however, all cardiac patients should talk to their physician about any contra-indications.


In a study of 3,500 people aged 18 to 102 that having sex three times a week can make you look 10 years younger.

Those are several reasons to stay active under the covers with your partner. In addition to having fun, your mental and physical health will thank you for it.

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