This drug is a multivitamin, mineral, and fatty acid product that is used to treat or prevent vitamin deficiency before, during and after pregnancy. Vitamins, minerals and fatty acids are important building blocks of the body and help to maintain you in good health.
This combination product also contains iron and folic acid. Women of childbearing age must maintain adequate levels of folic acid through diet or supplements to prevent spinal cord defects in developing-age infants.
How to use Ultimatecare One NF
Take this medicine by mouth, usually once or twice daily or as directed by your doctor. Follow all instructions on the product package, or take it as directed by your doctor. If you are taking the powdered form of this medicine, mix it in water as directed before swallowing. If you are taking a delayed-release form of this medicine, do not crush or chew. Doing so increases the risk of side effects, releasing all medications at once. If you are taking a chewable form of this medicine, chew it well and then swallow.
This medicine is taken on an empty stomach 1 hour before a meal or after 2 hours. Take a full glass of water (8 ounces or 240 ml) until your doctor instructs you. If stomach upset, you can take this medicine with food. Avoid taking antacids, dairy products, tea, or coffee within 2 hours before or after this medicine as they will reduce its effectiveness. Do not lie down for at least 10 minutes after taking this medicine. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for details about your particular brand.
Take this medicine regularly to get the most benefit from it. To help you remember, take it at the same time every day.
NF Cure capsule benefit
This drug is a multivitamin, mineral, and fatty acid product that is used to treat or prevent vitamin deficiency before, during and after pregnancy. Vitamins, minerals and fatty acids are important building blocks of the body and help to maintain you in good health. This combination product also contains iron and folic acid.
Side Effects
Constipation, diarrhea or stomach upset may occur. These effects are usually temporary and may disappear as your body adjusts to this medicine. If any of these effects persist or worsen, contact your doctor or pharmacist immediately.
Your stool can become black due to iron, an effect that is not harmful.
Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medicine because he or she has decided that the benefit to you outweighs the risk of side effects. Many people using this medicine do not have serious side effects.
Tell your doctor right away if any of these are unlikely but serious side effects occur: easy bleeding / bruising.
A very severe allergic reaction to this drug is rare. However, if you notice any of the following symptoms of a severe allergic reaction, seek immediate medical attention: rash, itching / swelling (especially of the face / tongue / throat), severe dizziness, difficulty in breathing. .