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Many calories burn during sex. It provides all the benefits of bodybuilding. By doing sex at least 15 minutes thrice in a week, sex consumes 7500 kilos of calories a year, which is equivalent to jogging 75 miles. Rapid breathing increases the amount of oxygen in the body. During sex, testosterone is produced by the hormone that strengthens the bones and muscles of the body.

The seven benefits of sex are:

1. Good sleep aids:

After sex you will feel light enough. Your night’s sleep will be extraordinary, which is essential for your physical well-being. A good night’s sleep will keep you well-fed during the day.

2. Sex is an Extraordinary Exercise:

During sex, there is extraordinary physical activity. Many of the physiological changes that occur in different body types during sex also occur. Breathing provides a lot of oxygen to the body. All the benefits of bodybuilding are available in sex.

3. Sex makes life long:

After sex, orgasm releases a hormone called dihydropyanadosterone. It increases immunity, reorganizes the body’s tissues and keeps the skin evergreen. Men who have orgasm at least twice per week are more likely than men who have orgasm once every few weeks.

4. Eliminates pain and suffering:

Sex is very useful in relieving general pain in the body, including headache. Women and men who have regular sex should not use painkillers in general pain. Sex is a remarkable painkiller.

5. Protects the prostate gland:

Most of our hormones are released from the prostate gland. If the hormone is not secreted, it remains in the gland. As a result of which inflamed and cause various problems. Regular hormone release strengthens the body’s vital glands and maintains its youthful.

6. Prevents erectile dysfunction in men:

Up to 50 percent of men over the age of 40 suffers from temporary or permanent erectile dysfunction. The biggest cure for this impotency is due to sex. Regular sex provides the male genital blood flow, keeping his veins strong.

7. Relieves stress:

Stress or mental stress is a constant part of our life. It creates various problems in the body and mind. During sex, the body produces an ingredient called dopamine, which fights against stress hormone endorphins. Regular sex is an important aspect of a stress-free life!

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