What Causes
Sexual Problems?
Any physical or psychological issue that prevents that stops you and your partner from achieving sexual satisfaction is known as sexual dysfunction. Male sexual dysfunction doesn’t just affect men within a particular age group but is a more common occurrence among older men. If we look at the sexual problems in male society, some are related to ejaculation disorders, problems in getting an erection, or non-arousal of desire. Usually, such issues can be addressed and successfully treated by getting to the underlying causes. Dr. Narayan Roy is the best Sexologist in Kolkata for Sexual Problem in Male.
Some of the physical causes might include low testosterone levels, stroke, nerve damage, smoking, or alcoholism. The psychological causes usually include concerns about sexual performance, relationship problems, depression or guilt, anxiety, stress, and even past sexual trauma. Here are some of the most common sexual dysfunctions that men face. So if you are looking for Sexologist near my location, Dr. Narayan Roy is the best Doctor.

Erectile Dysfunction or ED is the inability to sustain a suitable erection, firm enough for having sexual intercourse. With reduced sexual urges, the physical causes of ED are low testosterone, alcoholism, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, poor blood flow to the penis, sleep disorders, injuries and surgeries in the spinal cord area, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and Parkinson’s Disease. Among the psychological causes are stress, and relationship problems. Treatments for ED include pelvic floor exercises, paying attention to vascular health, eating diet-rich organic foods, 30 minutes walking per day, couples’ therapy, penile implants, and pumps.
Even if males don’t have the problem, most people are afraid of premature ejaculation since their partners are likely to be dissatisfied. Basically, ejaculation happens sooner than expected, impacting sex life and leading to frustrations. While a lot of premature ejaculation is age-related, it might also stem from serotonin levels under some circumstances. There are also underlying psychological causes like guilt or depression that might result in males’ sexual problem. The best way to treat it is via psychological or behavioral therapy. However, some patients might prefer to rely on medical treatment, which includes drugs, numbing creams, and sprays. For Premature Ejaculation, book an appointment the Best Sexologist in Kolkata.
Different types of penis disorders are:
Balanitis is the swelling or redness of the penis head, caused by dermatitis or allergy-like itching, and rash. Phimosis is the tight prepuce of the penis, affected by infection, defected tissue, or balanitis. Paraphimosis is the jammed foreskin behind the penis head, caused by retracted tight foreskin with swelling. Priapism is a rigid and painful erection occurring between several hours to few days, caused by alcohol or drug abuse, usually cocaine, antidepressants, and spinal cord injury. Peyronie’s disease is a penis bending syndrome during erection due to plaque or hard lump, caused by penile trauma.
Timing is everything in sex, and some individuals have delayed ejaculation. While most men are likely to be affected by the condition at some point in their lives, it is a lifelong issue for some. Delayed ejaculation is linked to psychological and physical factors like side effects of medication, consumption of alcohol and recreational drugs, problems in bonding, and body image or performance issues. Some research has also linked this sexual problem in males to masturbating over three times a week, and sexual intercourse being unable to match the tempo of masturbation. Drugs like Cyproheptadine (Periactin), Amantadine (Symmetrel), and Buspirone (Buspar) have reportedly had good results in helping males ejaculate in a more timely manner. Dr. Narayan Roy is the Best Sexologist in Kolkata.
Then whitish fluid that is discharged from the penis after ejaculation is called the semen. Semen leakage is a common sexual problem in male members during sexual intercourse. Semen is usually discharged only after sex and masturbation. However, sometimes it is discharged without any kind of sexual activity. Semen leakage at the thought of something that is sexually arousing is a common phenomenon amongst young males. But premature ejaculation during sex can result in an unwanted pregnancy. If the ejaculation takes place too early into the sexual activity or one is unable to delay it during having sex, they should consult a doctor. Usually, semen leakage stems from psychological reasons, but there can be other underlying conditions as well. For Semen Leakage Problem, he is the Best Sexologist in Kolkata.
Nightfall or wet dreams or sleep orgasm is an instinctive ejaculation for males and vaginal wetness for females. Causes include continual gaps in sexual life with semen deposited in testicles, which discharges naturally at nightfall.
Treatments constitute practicing yoga and meditation to reduce stress and bathing in lukewarm water before sleep.
When the semen comprises a lower sperm count than it should, the condition is termed oligospermia. It is a common sexual problem in males. Depending on the sperm count, they can be classified into mild, moderate, and severe oligospermia. For a woman to get pregnant, there is a specific quantity of sperms that are required. Therefore, if a man has a lower sperm count, it becomes impossible to impregnate her. Hormonal imbalances are the most common cause of oligospermia. It can also be a result of trauma or injury, in which case treatment becomes tough. With advanced research in the medical sector, there are several ways to cure this disease. Certain medications and hormonal therapies have given good results in increasing the sperm count. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and avoiding heavy drinking and smoking can also improve the condition of a person suffering from oligospermia. Have to visit Dr. Narayan Roy as he is the best Sexologist in Kolkata.
It is the inability to retract the skin covering the head of the penis. The skin becomes like a tight ring around the penis and cannot be pulled back. Young boys are commonly faced with this problem. However, it only occurs in uncircumcised men. Repeated attacks of UTI or certain kinds of foreskin infections often result in phimosis for older boys. Phimosis can be of two types, physiologic and pathological. There are different treatments to cure this sexual problem in males, like maintaining good hygiene and applying steroid ointments.
Luckily, this condition can only affect uncircumcised males. But do not need to worry about that. Consult with the Best Sexologist in Kolkata. It happens when the foreskin of the penis can no longer be pulled over the tip. Thus, the foreskin becomes swollen or stuck and might even slow or stop blood flow to the penis head. If untreated, the complication might become severe over time. Paraphimosis is most easily detected since the head of the penis turns blue or dark red. Some of the causes for paraphimosis include infections, physical trauma to the genital areas, having foreskin pulled back for long periods, or pulling it back too forcefully. Sometimes, having a tighter foreskin than usual might also cause a problem. The sexual problem in males can easily be treated by applying ice, wrapping a bandage around the penis, using needles to drain blood or pus, or injecting an enzyme to help lower swelling.
STD (sexually transmitted disease), is also known as STI (sexually transmitted infection) or venereal disease (VD), denotes infection transmitted through unprotected sex with an STD-affected person. Causes include bacteria like gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis;
Viruses like HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B, and Zika; and parasites include crab lice or scabies mites. Treatments entail antibiotics and antiviral drugs.
Also known as dyspareunia is a continual genital pain occurring right before, during, and after sexual intercourse. Causes include vaginal dryness from childbirth, menopause, and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), Treatments involve consuming antibiotics, antifungal medications, and injecting corticosteroids,
Testerone is a hormone that is produced inside the human body. For males, it is made inside the testicles. It shapes a man’s appearance and stimulates his sexual desires and activities. It is also the reason behind sperm production and building a man’s sex drive. Men with lower testosterone can face a number of problems like lesser semen and lower sex drive. Testosterone produced in the body decreases with age. However, if a young man is getting symptoms that hint at an imbalance in this hormone’s levels, they should seek medical assistance. It is a common sexual problem in males and can be treated substantially by the best Sexologist in Kolkata.
Azoospermia is a condition where a man’s semen does not contain any sperm. Around 1% of the male population is affected by this. There are two types of azoospermia – obstructive and non-obstructive. There is a blockage or missing connection in the reproductive tract in the former scenario, while in the latter case is usually due to poor or no sperm production. Now, this might be a result of the function and structure of testicles. The sexual problem leads to lower sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and eventually infertility. While it is undoubtedly serious, this sexual problem in males has its own solutions. Obstructive azoospermia might be rectified by connecting the ducts or addressing the blockage. Non-obstructive azoospermia might be harder to treat, but one can still have a biological child via in vitro fertilization.

The condition arises when the body doesn’t create enough hormone, which is vital for masculine growth during puberty. Sometimes, it doesn’t generate enough sperm, and in certain cases, it is a mixture of both. One might be born with the condition, or it can develop later in life. Injuries and infections are usually the underlying causes in the latter case. The testicles don’t produce enough testosterone, and based on this; one might divide hypogonadism into two types – primary and secondary. In the former, the problem arises because there’s some issue in the testicles. Meanwhile in the latter case, the troubles stem from a problem in the hypothalamus or pituitary gland. Here, the brain doesn’t send the signal to the testicles to produce testosterone. There are some methods to treat this sexual problem in males, which are easily treatable by the best Sexologist in Kolkata, including topical gel, transdermal patch, and implantable pellet.
Prostate Disease
Prostate diseases mainly occur in men 55 years and above in three types entailing prostatitis or swelling of prostate glands, BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia, and prostate cancer.
The exact cause is unknown, but the probable cause can be the male sex hormones that come with aging. Treatments include hormone and radiation therapy, and surgery.
Testicular disorders are mainly, Testicular trauma causes severe pain and inflammation. Treatments are placing an ice pack against the scrotum, wearing a jockstrap for supporting testicles, and taking antibiotics. Testicular torsion causes abrupt and extreme pain and swelling of the testicle. Treatment entails surgical repair or orchiopexy. Testicular cancer results when anomalous cells in the testicles split and spread frantically. Treatments include combination chemotherapy, stem cell treatment, and surgery. Penile cancer is when abnormal cells in the penis divide and grow relentlessly, affected by consequences of smoking, HPV infection, phimosis, circumcision, and HIV/AIDS. Treatments involve local excision, foreskin removing, laser surgery, and internal or external radiation therapy.