What is Piles / Hemorrhoids?
Piles are swelling and painful sorts of conditions that get developed inside the anus. Are you affected by painful piles issue and finding a cost-effective Piles treatment in Kolkata? You are at the right place. We are here to guide you on what can be best for you. The anal canal that lets stool go out from the body has blood vessels. If these blood vessels carry blood more than usual or become wider in size, then these blood vessels and the adjoining tissues can be developed into swellings which are medically known as piles. There are different types of stages of Piles and in severe cases, proper treatment is mandatory. Contact us today !
Symptoms of Piles
Some primary symptoms of piles are,
Blood ejaculation after a bowel movement
Discharging of mucus during bowel movement
Itching around the anus area
The reddish appearance of the anus area

Causes behind Piles (Hemorrhoids)
There are multiple reasons that may cause a person to undergo piles treatment.
Applying excessive pressure to have bowel movement done can put stress on the blood vessels which may result in piles.
Being overweight or obese can get a person piles.
Chronic diarrhea can be a major reason behind piles.
Hormonal changes during pregnancy can also be a cause behind piles.
A previous record of rectal surgery can play the role behind one’s piles.
Diagnosis & Piles Treatment in Kolkata
Piles can be easily diagnosed. A patient can easily understand the conditions of the inflamed tissue. Piles are generally caused by straining during bowel movements, hard stool pass, obesity and pregnancy. Discomfort and pain are the common symptoms of piles clinically known as haemorrhoids. Discomfort is the main symptoms of piles especially during stool-passing and bowel movements or during sitting. If the inflammation increased, itching and bleeding also start. Once you go to a doctor, after a systematic checkup, piles get diagnosed. The earlier diagnosis of piles assures earlier recovery of the same. Our clinic provides the most effective Ayurvedic Treatment of Piles in Kolkata.

Prevention of Piles
There are multiple types and stages of piles. Some of the early stages of piles do not require any treatment and they get cured eventually. Actually, piles is a disease which develops as a result of other diseases or other health issues.
It is always good to maintain a balanced diet and keep lifestyle under control.
Drink plenty of water
Exercise regularly
Don’t put pressure on bowel movement
As Piles treatment has become easier than ever, thus it is better to consult an expert physician once one comes across any physical trouble that may feel like an acute case of piles.
Remedies for Piles Treatment
One can avail so many types of piles treatment nowadays. But it is always suggested to follow the herbal treatment to cure the very disease. Our approach is widely appreciated as the most preferred pile’s treatment in Kolkata. Because we have made it easier for patients who suffer from piles and feel scared of surgeries. The Ayurvedic medicines and remedies do not come with any side effect that may turn harmful to the patients later. Both the herbal medicines and ointments for external use are made with natural ingredients; hence patients are guaranteed to go through 100% safe medication procedures.
Piles is a disease that can happen to anyone because of many reasons. The disease should get treated at its early stage, and in this regard. If you are still looking for the best ayurvedic piles treatment in Kolkata, contact our clinic for the utmost effective remedy.