What is Penile Expanse Issue?
Having a small size Penis is one of the most common sexual disorders found among Indian men. Consult with the best Ayurvedic Sexologist in Kolkata for Penis Enlargement Treatment in Kolkata. Finding the most effective and side-effect free Penis Enlargement Treatment in Kolkata is not difficult anymore. Our clinic provides the best male enhancement treatment is a clinical procedure which helps a man in getting his desired penile length and girth growth. People go for herbal treatment along with both non-surgical and surgical procedures in this regard. Apart from these techniques, there are certain physical activities as well that helps one in getting his required result. In these days, there are so many types of enhancement available in the market that promise to enlarge penis according to one’s desire. However, before opting for any treatment, one must consult with an expert.
Size of male reproductive organ is synonymous to manliness. Complain of having a short penis while in the erect or flaccid state can be a symbol of uncertain reproductive life. It may also be interrelated to the potential weaker reproductive health. About 0.6% of men are having a micro penis that gradually becomes a matter of concern.

Reasons for having a small penis:
There are several reasons for this abnormality.
This can be a result of the hormonal imbalance which specifically resides with the male sex hormone, namely testosterone. We analyze the level of the hormone to derive at the pertinent cause and decide the treatment accordingly.
Another hormonal irregularity that can cause small penis is the low human gonadotropin hormone that regulates the level of sex hormones. The hormonal discrepancies can be effectively treated with our penis enlargement medicine in Kolkata.
Lastly, it may be a genetic abnormality that causes micro penis syndrome. This cause can be treated with long-term medication.
It is held that surgery cannot curb the abnormality and increase the girth and size of the penis. Advancement in the medical histories has heard the name of the augmentative phalloplasty to increase the girth of the penis. But good outcomes are yet to be achieved with this surgical procedure. When the door to increase the size through surgical measures gets closed, Ayurveda takes its form. Dr Roy’s Clinic is adhered to impart the best penis enlargement treatment in Kolkata focused to nurture natural ways of narrowing the problem of tiny penis syndrome.
Need for Penis Enlargement Treatment
Men feel disturbed because of their small sized penis. It rather makes them image conscious and insecure.
Often they feel anxious because of this issue and feel cynical in life.
The issue makes one psychologically depressed. It is the main reason, why most of the men think of undergoing treatments of various kinds to enlarge their penis.
Sometimes, because of sexual incompetence also, men may find the penis enlargement treatment suitable.

Importance of Diagnosis
Men often feel ashamed of in going to doctors to treat the very issue. But the issue is a normal one that many men come across. Thus, it is nothing to be ashamed of and always better to consult a specialist for proper penis enlargement treatment in Kolkata than whining about it and depressing own self.
Treatment for Penis Enhancement
Good and dependable Penis Enlargement Herbal treatment in Kolkata is very easy to avail nowadays. Patients can get in touch with herbal medicine experts online as well. Hence, confidential treatment of the same form can be done primarily by virtual assistance also.
Advantages of our medication
The advantage of the ayurvedic product is that it is a safer alternative. We harvest in the wide array of penis enlargement Medicine available in Kolkata that is irrespective of any side effects. They are destined to function in the most natural way without interfering with the cell machinery. Many medicines we have are yielding a synergistic effect in providing the body with an essential nutrient that uplifts the body metabolic functions.
Penis Enlargement Treatment in Kolkata
To provide one with the desired length and desired girth growth of his penis, there are multiple treatment procedures available currently. However, it is always intelligent to handpick the herbal method. Ayurvedic or herbal Penis enlargement treatment is one of the best treatments that one can undergo as it is totally safe. Additionally, herbal treatment never comes with any side effect. Hence, the patients can get desired results in a completely safe and sound form.
There are certain physical exercises too, that the Ayurvedic medical experts suggest their patients to follow in order to get good results.

Tips for Penis Enlargement
Herbal or Ayurvedic medicines that one gets prescribed for penis enlargement treatment in Kolkata by the physicians; get manufactured using natural elements only. Free from harmful chemicals and other substances, herbal medicines are never dangerous to consume. The very type of medicines are easy to avail and now, and they can be bought online as well. Often the prices of the herbal medicines for penis enlargement are affordable for all.
Once a patient starts Ayurvedic treatment for penis enlargement purposes, he must follow some simple points for faster results.
He must maintain regularity in consuming the medicines
Timely intake of medicines as prescribed by the physician is a must
Completion of the whole course of the treatment is mandatory
About our service
Since our inception, we have left no stones unturned to bring our patient with the best penis enlargement treatment in Kolkata. We are focused to rebuild self-confidence and self-esteem by making the patient develop a healthy penile length. These 100% healthy remedies are changing the lives of many. We are honored to have introduced revolutionary changes in the life of many unsatisfied souls.
Home Remedies
Try to consume zinc based diet
Drink milk mixed with a tablespoon honey every day