What is Nightfall/ Wet Dream?
Nightfall, a common sexual problem in male is also commonly known as swapnadosh or wet dreams. This term refers to a phenomenon which leads to ejaculation of semen during sleep. The process is an involuntary act and sometimes person getting nightfall does not even come to know about it. It is a common problem experienced by young boys who even feel uncomfortable while discussing it. Sometimes the problem is really frustrating. Nightfall or wet dream is considered to be completely normal if it takes place once or twice a week. But if the frequency of nightfall increases and it happens more than two times a week then it is a need to worry.
Now let’s see the best recommended natural cures to stop nightfall or wet dreams and weakness. As per research, this ayurvedic tea is found to be very beneficial to cure excessive nightfall problems. Those people suffering from nightfall troubles are advised to drink sage tea before going to sleep. Similar to sage tea, celery juice is another best-recommended cure to eliminate the risks of excessive nightfall. You can intake this ayurveda cure with honey thirty minutes before bedtime. It calms down nerve cells and provides you good night’s sleep without any side effects.

Nightfall: Diagnosis & Treatment - Dr. Roy's Clinic
Nightfall happens to a very high percentage of young people at the time of their adulthood. With time, this condition seems to be treated on its own. Once the stored semen is out of the body, the sexual activity starts to work normally. Also, most of them learn to masturbate and control the ejaculation. However, if the condition is not getting better, then there are some procedures that can help to prevent this embarrassing situation. One of the most common ones is knowing the details about sexual activities and having necessary sexual education. It helps them to understand what is going on with their body and how to control it. Sometimes nightfall happens due to the use of specific drugs or supplements for hormones. You can contact a specialist to check the drugs that you are currently taking and replace with alternative drugs to stop the condition. Also, a major cause of nightfall is an excessive watch of porns and surfing the internet that distracts the mind and promotes sexual activity at the wrong angle. Reducing watching porn and any type of erotic content helps a lot to control the nightfall. As the semen gets stored in the body due to less sexual activity until a certain age, it is very important to get them out by masturbating regularly. It helps to keep the sexual desires and urge at the check and prevent nightfall.
Other than that, prostate gland inflammation, nervous system problems, and others. Consult your doctor if you have any signs or symptoms, to get treated. In serious cases like prostate cancer, doctors might remove the prostate gland. Ejaculation might happen from infections, old age, diabetes, traumatic injuries, multiple sclerosis, and many more. If you are having nightfall due to any of these conditions, then you can get treatment easily. People who are having this condition can take help of medication or other relaxation methods to prevent nightfall. Make sure to empty the bladder before going to sleep at night, or have a bath with warm water that promotes healthy and good sleep. There are many ayurvedic treatments available to treat nightfall that you can try to prevent the condition like a cup of sage tea. You can visit the clinic of Dr Narayan Roy’s in Kolkata for the Best Nightfall Treatment in Kolkata.