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How important is sex to build a relationship?

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When two people come close in love with each other, the physical attraction between them cannot be ignored. We know that every couple will have a different opinion on this issue. Some people are interested in physical intercourse after establishing a relationship. Some people postpone all these things till they get married again. We spoke separately with five women who did not want to be named. It was seen that the opinions of five women differed from each other. Let’s see what today’s generation is saying about the importance of sex in building a relationship.

1. This is not the only factor in building a relationship:-

Of course, as the relationship progresses, sex will occur, and the issue of physical intercourse will also arise. But that is not the only factor. It feels good when the two are physically close. But if sex is the only purpose, then there is no love!

2. A healthy relationship is desperately needed-

A woman believes that if there is only sex, then there is no love, just as there is no sex, there is no love. Just as we trust each other’s mind, we should also trust our body. Because there is an important thing called sexual compatibility that needs to be kept in mind.

3. The body is involved with emotions-

The speaker thinks that the body is intimately connected with emotions. He thinks that sex or sexuality in bed does not matter. If the mind is one, the body would like to be one. In addition, during physical intercourse, the partner can be known more intensely and can be understood more closely. And two people get emotionally close by coming into it. In other words, the emotions of the mind depend a lot on getting into the body.

4. It’s more important to get close to someone you love, not sex-

When sexual intercourse can happen, casual sex can also happen. So that’s not a big deal. But if you are in a relationship with someone and you want to get close to him or her, then this issue becomes more important. So many people think that there must be sex about a beautiful and healthy person.

5. Brings positive effects about sex-.

Just as the body has a mind, similarly the mind also has a body. And this fifth and final speaker thinks that these two are very inseparable. Physical intercourse is also a special type of exercise. During sexual intercourse, various types of feel-good hormones are released from the body and this also makes the mind feel good. Physical intimacy often dispels misunderstandings and emotional distance, and therefore the importance of sex in forming relationships cannot be underestimated.

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